
Guiding Principles

  1. Collaborate with a positive sum mindset
    Building industry standards requires a collaborative approach. Liquid Collective builds with a positive sum approach to drive collective growth and resilience.
  2. Enable progress through standards
    Liquid Collective is dedicated to defining professional standards that meet evolving user needs, enable interoperability, and raise the bar for the industry as a whole.
  3. Innovate through diversity
    Liquid Collective believes in the power of collaboration with a diverse group of industry leaders and experts (from DeFi to TradFi) to foster innovation and progress.
  4. Embrace transparency
    Liquid Collective aims to establish a culture of openness and communication to build and maintain trust within our supported ecosystems.


Protocol Milestones

Sep 20, 2022 Liquid Collective announced
Sep 20, 2022 First audit completed
Oct 4, 2022 LsETH Contract Deployed
Nov 16, 2022 Governor multisig completed protocol configuration
Nov 16, 2022 Governor added Node Operators: Figment, Coinbase Cloud, Staked
Nov 17, 2022 Slashing Coverage Program released
Nov 21, 2022 First validator activated on the consensus layer
Dec 8, 2022 Litepaper published
Mar 7, 2023 Mainnet staking launches on Platforms: Coinbase Prime, Figment, and Bitcoin Suisse
Jun 2, 2023 First successful withdrawal-compatible Oracle report
Jun 7, 2023 Ethereum staking withdrawals on Liquid Collective go live
Jun 8, 2023 First LsETH redemption on mainnet
Jul 13, 2023 Node Operator Performance & Risk Standards working group announced
Jul 18, 2023 Protocol source code made public under BUSL-1.1
Dec 5, 2023 Node Operator Performance Standards opened under CCL
Dec 7, 2023 Node Operator Performance SLAs established
Apr 1, 2024 Protocol Service Fee reduced to 10%

Introducing LsETH

For Individuals

Earn network rewards while holding LsETH. It's that simple.

LsETH is a token representing staked ETH plus network rewards.

Learn more

  • Auto-staked rewards
  • Built-in slashing coverage
  • Secure and transparent
  • Diversified node operators

For Enterprises

Simple staking integrations with LsETH

Liquid Collective's LsETH is a liquid staking token, built to meet the needs of businesses offering staking to their customers.

Learn more

  • Revenue share of rewards
  • Compliance-focused design
  • Enterprise-grade security
  • Node Operator performance SLAs

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