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Take the Liquid Collective staking survey

2024 survey of staking participant trends and motivations

Take the Liquid Collective staking survey

In 2023, to help highlight what matters to stakers, Liquid Collective conducted a limited survey of staking participants.

View the results of the 2023 staker survey, Report: Leading considerations for staking participation in the evolving crypto landscape.

Liquid Collective is now collecting responses for the 2024 Staking Survey.

  • All staking participants are welcome to take the 5-question survey, sharing your preferences and priorities to help understand how the landscape has shifted over the last year and where it's heading.
  • There is an optional field at the end of the survey to sign up for monthly Liquid Collective Updates, covering staking ecosystem news, upcoming events, and more. Email addresses provided will not be associated with your survey results.
  • The results of the 2024 Staking Survey will be shared in the monthly Liquid Collective Update, on Liquid Collective's X profile, and across other Liquid Collective channels.

Take the 2024 Staking Survey

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