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Video: “Professionalizing Liquid Staking and DeFi: Compliance, Security, and Coverage”

Video: “Professionalizing Liquid Staking and DeFi: Compliance, Security, and Coverage”

How can the liquid staking sector, and DeFi at large, continue to grow and professionalize? Watch this Liquid Collective for virtual panel with guests from Spearbit, Nexus Mutual, Alluvial, and Violet.

The discussion highlights trends in new waves of institutional participation, approaches that further the professionalization of the DeFi and liquid staking markets, considerations for evaluating protocols, and more.

Panelists included

  • Host: David Walsh · Sales Lead, Alluvial (Host)
  • Hari Mulackal · Co-Founder, Spearbit
  • Matt Leisinger · CPO & Co-Founder, Alluvial
  • Hugh Karp · Founder, Nexus Mutual
  • Markus Maier · Co-Founder, Violet
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